Kate Werda, MSPT, DPT

Physical Therapy

Practices In: Mishawaka
Patients Seen: All Ages

Through years of expe­ri­ence in ortho­pe­dic phys­i­cal ther­a­py, I have found a bal­ance of man­u­al and active treat­ment to most effec­tive­ly and effi­cient­ly help a patient return to an active lifestyle. I encour­age patients to be active par­tic­i­pants both in the clin­ic and at home to expe­dite their recov­ery and estab­lish more health-focused habits.

Professional Certifications
Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, APTA Clinical Instructor
Clinical Interests

Ortho­pe­dic injuries, post-oper­a­tive recov­ery, pre- and post­par­tum treat­ments, and sports-relat­ed injuries.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time out­side with my fam­i­ly and pup. Our time is often spent at soc­cer or lacrosse fields and on the ski slopes dur­ing the win­ter months. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle and incor­po­rate exer­cise in my dai­ly rou­tine. Hav­ing been a for­mer soc­cer play­er and triath­lete, I include var­i­ous forms of exer­cise to main­tain my interest.

Northeastern University Graduation Date: 2001 Degree: MSPT
Northeastern University Graduation Date: 2001 Degree: DPT
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